cops masters /
adult swimming
Ages 18+ / All abilities welcome
COPS Masters is a swim program for adults who desire to use swimming as a form of physical fitness. Our members range from the beginner swimmer, to the competitive swimmer and everyone in between!
Our workouts feature:
Multiple lanes to group swimmers according to ability.
Daily coached workouts that vary depending on ability.
Feedback on technique and strokes from professional coaches to help you reach your goals.
Use Zip Code 75075 to select City of Plano Swimmers Wetcats
in 2 easy steps:
step 1:
Register with
US Masters
This is a required registration to participate in our swim program. USMS Registration is $70/year. This membership covers your liability insurance, which covers you while you are participating in any USMS sponsored activity. For a list of other USMS benefits, click here.
Register as a Plano Wetcat. Our four letter abbreviation is PCAT.
swim & socialize
Our Masters swimmers love to hang out outside of the pool. Join us for breakfast after Saturday morning practices; or meet up for a Friday evening "Happy Hour." Join our team, get fit and make friends!
Join our Facebook page called Plano Wetcats to receive updates, news and to interact with others!